Meet the Wedding Party
The “Best Women”
Christopher’s Groomsmen
Brandon is Christopher’s oldest (best) friend, going all the way back to when he moved to Vernon Hills in the second grade. Growing up a block apart they were practically inseparable for all of Middle School, until they both moved East in seventh grade.
Brandon & Christopher at Wrigley Field for World Series Game 5; October, 2016
Bryan is the only friend to both go to school and work with Christopher. He has tried to get Christopher interested in both comic books and soccer; it seems to be working with the latter.
Bryan & Christopher at the first (and last) LAFC home game of the 2020 regular season
Andrew’s Groomspeople
Therrie is one of Andrew’s oldest friends, having met when Andrew started his first high school job at Panera. The two have stayed close as their lives have changed and grown over the last 15 years. Both avid foodies, they spend a lot of their time going on new and exciting food adventures!
Andrew & Therrie, in Fullerton; April 2012
Chris’ late sister Lindsay was one of Andrew’s closest friends, a relationship that brought Chris’s friendship into his life. That friendship introduced Andrew into a crazy new world of competitive drum corps. Since then Andrew has seen Chris perform with different indoor/outdoor drum corps.
Cassandra, Chris & Andrew after a drum corps performance; 2011